In focus of the second panel discussion is organic production. The panel discussion was realized in cooperation with David Kranjac (University of Osijek), Dragan Milić (Special Advisor of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia – MAFWM), Nenad Novaković from Organic Control Systems and Ana Marušić Lisac from Biotechnician Entrepreneurial Centre.
The basic idea is for an expert from an EU university to share experiences related to organic production in relatively new member state as Croatia, while the role of the MAFWM representative is to point out the problems of Serbian agriculture and the challenges that such a radical strategy can have for Serbian agriculture. Also, business representatives share their experiences about organic production in Serbia and Croatia.
The panel discussion was organized as part of the Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Economics called Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management (https://sm.ef.uns.ac.rs/index.php/proceedings/sm2024) in Subotica on May 17, 2024.